Perinatal Care.

In a hospital study that incorporated adjustments during the pregnancy, there was a 50% decrease in the need for painkillers during delivery.

The Benefits of Chiropractic Care During Pregnancy

  • Optimal Pelvic Alignment & Balance
  • Reduced back pain
  • Reduced incidence of Pre-eclampsia
  • Reduced incidence of back labor
  • Reduced need for pain medication
  • Reduced labor and delivery times

The Safety of Chiropractic Care During Pregnancy

  • Non-Invasive
  • Drug Free
  • No increased risks or side effects during pregnancy
  • We use pregnancy pillows for your comfort

Chiropractic & Pregnancy

Supporting Healthy Pregnancy, Natural

Birth, and Healthy Post-Partum

Throughout the course of your pregnancy, there will be many physiological and hormonal changes as your body prepares for the birth of your baby:

  • Your center of gravity moves forward increasing the curve of the lumbar spine (low back). This places extra strain and force through the lumbar spinal joints.

  • The hormone relaxin loosens joints; increasing mobility and decreasing stability.

  • The growing baby and increased fetal movement creates expansion of lower rib cage which can be aggravating to the mid back joints that connect to ribs.

  • Modified gait becomes wide, creating a variation in skeletal join and muscle mobility, aggravating the pelvic joints, hip joints and sciatic nerves.

  • Modified posture through shoulders to offset change in center of gravity causes loss of cervical curve leading to headaches.

  • Pelvic misalignment alters pelvic opening and creates tension through the soft tissues which support the uterus.

  • Sacral subluxation disrupts the neurobiomechanics of the pelvic region which may contribute to dystocia (difficult labor.)

Chiropractic helps you better manage these changes as your pregnancy progresses.

"Women who received chiropractic adjustments in their third trimester were able to carry and deliver their child with much more comfort."

-Irvin Henderson, MD

Chiropractic & Fetal Position

Supporting Optimal Pelvic Alignment and Optimal Fetal Position

Larry Webster DC, founder of the International Chiropractic Pediatric Association (ICPA), developed a specific technique known as the "Webster Technique." Webster Technique is designed to correct sacral subluxation and has been shown to allow for optimal pelvic alignment during pregnancy.

  • One study showed 92% of babies turned to a vertex (head down) position following the use of Webster Technique.

  • This study also showed the use of Webster Technique to be beneficial when external cepahlic version (performed by a medical doctor) was not effective and when breech presentation was unlikely to spontaneously change.

  • Webster Technique does NOT turn babies.

  • Chiropractors do NOT assess or manage fetal conditions or positions directly.

  • By optimizing nervous system function as well as spinal and pelvic alignment in a pregnant woman's body, the result is often that the baby moves into an ideal position for birth.

  • The outcome of Optimal baby position is often easier labor and thus safer delivery for both mom and baby.

Dr. Brooke is certified in Webster Technique and has helped many women throughout their pregnancies.

Difficult labor (dystocia) for pregnant women may be the result of pelvic contraction, inadequate uterine function, and baby malposition.

Correction of sacral subluxation by a Chiropractor may have a positive effect on all of these causes of dystocia and lead to a better birth.

Post-Natal Chiropractic Care

Supporting the health of mom during the 4th Trimester

Just as a woman's body goes through incredible physiological and hormonal changes during pregnancy, it goes through just as many changes during the post-partum "4th Trimester":

Physical and Mental Changes

  • You went from nourishing and carrying a child in your womb to now carrying your baby around and breastfeeding.

  • The hormone Relaxin, which loosens joints in preparation for birth can circulate through the body for up to 6 months after giving birth. This makes it especially important to take care of yourself as you heal.

  • This also makes the 4th trimester the perfect time to heal "better" than you were before pregnancy!

  • Breastfeeding and/or pumping create postural changes that can cause tension in your neck, shoulders and back. The constant emptying and filling of your breasts coupled with looking down at your sweet baby can create a perfect storm of physical discomfort and more.

  • Pregnancy takes a LOT out of mom, and can lead to what Oscar Serralach, MD, calls Postnatal Depletion.

  • Symptoms of Postnatal Depletion can often mimic those of Post Partum Depression/Anxiety.

  • Many moms do not have the support they need, and feel overwhelmed trying to be perfect. For some women this mental/emotional struggle can go to the extreme of PPD or PPA, which warrants the help of a mental health professional.

The Benefits of Chiropractic Care During the 4th Trimester

  • Improved comfort while breastfeeding

  • Greater production of breastmilk

  • Reduced incidence of postpartum depression

  • Better bond between mom and baby

  • Improved immune function

  • Better hormonal balance

  • Increased energy levels

  • Less stress and anxiety

  • Better sleep

Watch this video to learn more!

Schedule a Complimentary Consultation with Dr. Brooke

606 SE 1st Avenue | Ocala, FL 34471
