Preconception Care.

Using the Schaefer Protocol, we help couples to optimize their health so they can conceive a child that Thrives!

Free Fertility Checklist!

Fertility is more than just getting pregnant. Flourishing Fertility is a sign of optimized health. The Ultimate Checklist for Flourishing Fertility is designed to help you make those small, consistent choices and to keep making them! It’s broken down into daily, weekly, monthly, and yearly habits encompassing all areas of health and fertility– physical, emotional, social, spiritual, financial, and intellectual.

She lost almost all hope...

Like many couples, Abbey and her husband wanted to start a family right after they got married. When over a year passed by with no results, they decided to try artificial insemination. She remembered feeling on top of the world and thought, “This is our answer! We get to start our family!”

Sadly, after three rounds of Artificial Insemination with no positive results, they had to get additional testing. They found out her husband had some issues with his sperm, and that IVF was their best option.

Abbey was instantly crushed, emotionally drained, and upset. Why hadn’t they tested Mike sooner? Didn’t the doctor know what rollercoaster he just put them through? IVF is very expensive and they were fortunate they were able to pay for it, since their insurance didn’t cover anything.

Abbey said “I don’t think one can really prepare themselves for IVF until you go through it yourself. I have a high pain tolerance and the shots didn’t necessarily bother me, but the fact that I was shooting all of these hormones into my body seemed barbaric and unnatural, and I was very worried about the long-term effects of the drugs. But once again I went into IVF feeling extremely positive and on top of the world, as I thought this was going to be the answer to our prayers.”

When that pregnancy test came back negative, she was devastated.

On June 28th Abbey woke up at 5:30 in the morning like a kid on Christmas. She quickly grabbed the pregnancy test out of her purse that she had bought the day before. She hadn't even told her husband of her suspicion, because she really thought there was no way she could actually be pregnant. Abbey took the test into the bathroom and laid the applicator flat on the floor after taking the test. She couldn’t believe her eyes as it immediately turned positive. She must have opened her eyes and closed them to re-look at the test 100 times before she would finally believe it was real.

As Abbey went into the bedroom, she screamed her husband's name, while he sleepily asked what the heck was going. When She told him she was pregnant, he immediately hopped out of bed to come see the test for himself.

That was a day they will never forget.

Words will never be able to express what that feels like. Abbey tried to be strong around her family and friends. Even though she knew her heartache hurt them as well, she felt so alone in her pain.

A month after failing at their first attempt of IVF, Abbey learned about The Schaefer protocol. At her first appointment she brought the fertility issues into conversation to see what advice the doctor could offer. She learned that chiropractic care often helps with fertility issues, but, while that was great to hear, Abbey didn’t necessarily believe it would help her.

Deep down Abbey had a glimmer of hope that The Schaefer Protocol would be able to help her, but at the same time, she was a little skeptical. Who goes to a chiropractor to get pregnant? Abbey and her husband not only received adjustments, but they were also provided guidance in other areas as well, including nutrition, movement, and empowerment (mindset). One thing Abbey new for sure was that the whole process felt different. She didn't feel like just a number (as she had at the fertility clinics), and she finally felt empowered through the journey.

Does This Sound Like You?

  • You feel completely helpless.

  • You’re on the schedule of the fertility medications, dealing with side effects and the emotions right along with it, or you’re at a standstill, stopped due to the huge financial toll the fertility journey is.

  • You wonder if you will ever have a baby of your own.

  • With every month that passes, every negative pregnancy test, every procedure, every positive pregnancy test that didn’t hold…you have begun to wear down.

  • Your spouse is supportive, but you can tell this journey is physically, emotionally, and financially draining for both of you.

  • You hold on to hope. Your desire for a baby is so great, you’ll do whatever it takes. Little do you know, the true concern with all the drugs is greater than you know...for you and your baby.

OR...Is This YOU?

  • You have decided to focus on you.

  • You believe that you were created for this.

  • You are convinced there are better, different options out there for you.

  • You've begun to think differently and you are asking different questions.

  • You've begun to have more hope, and you see the beauty in your journey.

  • You spend time learning, growing, and changing, and you’re in awe of what your body is capable of.

  • You see your world shifting simply by making small changes.

  • You knew life could be knew it was supposed to be like this!

Do you believe these Fertility Myths?

  • My husband has sperm issues, or I’ve had multiple miscarriages and we’ve been told there is nothing that can be done naturally. The truth is any time someone improves their diet, mindset, and lifestyle habits, they will achieve greater health. The Schaefer Protocol specifically addresses issues like these and what to do in those situations. We work in cycles of 120 days as your egg quality has been shown to change every 120 days – the hard part we have is to try to prevent pregnancy for 120 days!
  • Lifestyle changes will never be enough for conception to happen without medication. Another thing that many want you to believe, because in reality, if it was that simple, everyone would do it! The truth is with changes in lifestyle and habits is the ability to stick with it and follow through. What most people don’t realize is the #1 reason this happens is due to STRESS! We work to stop overwhelm and help you understand WHY I suggest what I do so it’s easier to understand and make the improvements to your life – It’s also the most transformational and amazing part of the journey!
  • Your first pregnancy will dictate any future pregnancies. Sometimes the scariest part of becoming pregnant a second time is the fear of reliving your first pregnancy. I hear a LOT of moms who have had such a bad first pregnancy, they are scared (and rightfully so!) to have a second pregnancy. The truth is, with The Schaefer Protocol preconception work done prior to pregnancy, we have a very low rate of moms not feeling well in pregnancy. And if they do, there is typically an easy fix to improve it!
  • No one has found a reason for my infertility, so IVF is my only option. That’s ok! There are tons of reasons people are diagnosed as “infertile” or challenged with fertility. Of the unexplained infertility couples who have worked with The Schaefer Protocol, the great news is we address the root cause, so regardless of the reason or unknown reason, you will benefit!
  • Medical intervention has the best chance at success when it comes to fertility. No one can guarantee conception, not even the most sophisticated medical interventions. What I can guarantee you is you will be significantly better prepared for pregnancy and parenthood through this new understanding and information

What Makes Our Approach Different.

It's not just about getting pregnant... it's about our future.

Think about it. We have never seen a time where our children have been more sick. Right now our kids are dealing with ever increasing rates of adult onset diseases, cancer, autoimmune issues, and diabetes. Learning to be healthy as an adult is hard enough – eating healthy, working on gratitude, moving your body – imagine how difficult it is to get a child to do the same!

My goal in providing preconception care is to teach these habits to the parents prior to conception. This results in not only creating better health in mom and dad, but the health of baby is significantly improved as well! Imagine if you could slow or even stop potential health issues in your children by taking care of yourself first. That’s my focus, my inspiration, and my drive.

Empowering families to Thrive, before the bump...and beyond.

This is for you if...

  • You are open minded and ready to consider new options.

  • You are ready to live the motto, “If it is to be, it’s up to me!”

  • You are ready to get pregnant.

  • You want to enjoy your relationship again.

  • You are willing to make space in your life to care for a baby.

  • Open to understanding why and how things happen in the body

This is NOT for you if...

  • You’re not willing or committed to making lifestyle changes.

  • You’re unwilling to change your belief systems of what is possible for you.

  • You don’t like learning.

  • You don’t think your health prior to conception will help your pregnancy or the health of your baby.

What could it hurt to improve your own health status on your fertility journey?

We hear from couples all the time that are concerned about how much time and money they have already spent on their journey, and we completely understand that frustration! While it’s true that making changes to your health takes time, you’ve spent a lot of time with what hasn’t worked, and now you have the ability to have a plan, a path, and a renewed sense of hope in your journey.

We’re here for you!

Check out this video to learn more!

Schedule a Complimentary Consultation with Dr. Brooke

606 SE 1st Avenue | Ocala, FL 34471
