Remedy Testing.

Dig deeper into your overall health!

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Consultation with Dr. Brooke

The non-invasive RemedyTest measures the energetic balance or imbalance of various systems within your body, detects stress, and measures the body's reaction to various substances.

  • Holistic
  • Non-Invasive
  • Comprehensive

System Performance

Organs & Organ Systems

The Remedy Test assesses the overall function of 14 Body Systems, as well as 58 individual points in the body for your most stressed organ.

Energetic Sensitivities

Foods & Environment

The Remedy Test assesses how your body responds to over 300 different foods and things found in our environment that could be causing inflammation and dysfunction in your body.

Nutritional Imbalances

Amino Acids, Vitamins, Minerals

The Remedy Test assesses your body for nutritional imbalances that could be contributing to health challenges and dysfunction in the body.

Resonating Toxins

Bacteria, Viruses, and more

The Remedy Test assesses your tissues for exposure to Resonating Toxins including Bacteria, Viruses, Parasites, Molds, Heavy Metals, and Chemicals. While the test does not indicate if you are sick with a particular disease (i.e. it is not a diagnosis), in many cases, this exposure can impact your overall function and health.

Hormone Imbalances

Bioenergetic Hair & Saliva Analysis

The Remedy testing assesses your hormones to see where there are imbalances that affect your health and function. A hormone imbalance does not mean you need to get hormone injections, but often, by supporting your body's needs, hormones and other functions will naturally balance out!

Balancing Remedies

Somato Respiratory Integration

The Remedy Test also assesses 1000's of different Herbs, Supplements, and Homeopathic Remedies to give you an Individualized Plan to bring balance to your body and help you heal!

In order to understand chronic stress, you first have to trace them to their roots. This process uses bioenergetic testing, which has the ability to read the energetic resonance that flows from the hair samples. Bioresonance measures the energetic balance or imbalance to various factors. This testing is a non-invasive energetic analysis that has the ability to detect stress. Bioenergetic testing measures the body’s energetic reaction to various substances.

Remedy Testing is in no way meant to be a substitute for traditional testing that uses blood/urine/stool samples and is not completed in a medical laboratory. We highly recommend that you consult with your medical doctor if you wish to have traditional testing.

What is Remedy Bioenergetic Testing?

Did you know that our body is made up of energy that is measurable? This type of testing falls into the holistic health realm. While this is not a diagnostic tool to be confused with any type of western medicine testing, we are able to test stressed systems of the body. This testing process has the ability to read the energetic resonance that emanates from the hair samples. These digital values allow you to make changes in a positive direction! When you are ready to take a new approach to understanding your health, Remedy Testing is the option for you!

Remedy Testing Q&A

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606 SE 1st Avenue | Ocala, FL 34471
